We’re only two months into the year and there’s already good news for Meguiar’s fans… even more fresh new products! Earlier in the month we introduced you to our Supreme Drying Towel – the ultimate way to quickly and safely remove water from your car without breaking the bank. Continuing on our new Supreme range, we’re hugely excited to add a Finishing Towel to the catalogue which – when used either in conjunction with the Drying Towel or by itself – will make the cleaning process even easier!

So what’s the difference between the two? Put simply, our Supreme Drying towel is a kind of water magnet capable of removing large quantities of water as quickly and effectively as possible. With the water safely removed, and your car’s paint ready for either detailing, protection or waxing, the Supreme Finishing Towel is your weapon of choice.

Developed to our own specifications, the Meguiar’s Supreme Finishing Towel measures in at 30cm x 45cm with a super deep 920g/m² pile which can even be folded for less pressure on the paintwork. Just like the Drying Towel, our Finishing Towel boasts a soft edging making it safe to use on clear coats without the risk of scratches.

The Meguiar’s Supreme Finishing Towel is priced at £12 and can be ordered now at the following link: https://www.meguiars.co.uk/shop/finishing-towel

TIP: When removing detailer or wax products, wipe in straight line before buffing in the opposite direction with either a clean towel or the dry side. This provides a clear & even streak-free finish on ALL paintwork.