With shorter days and colder mornings it’s safe to say the British winter is nearly upon us. But it’s not all bad news – aside from giving our cars plenty of rebuild time until the 2016 show season, it’s also the perfect time to grab yourself the new Meguiar’s 2016-2017 calendar!


Our latest calendar is a celebration of car culture combined with vintage artwork from the Meguiar’s archive since 1901. With amazing motors including Nicholas Pritchard’s RS500 Cosworth to get you through the month, the Meguiar’s calendar is perfect for keeping up to date with the latest shows and events (not to mention important anniversaries…)


The Meguiar’s calendar is available now and priced at just £10 – visit the following link to order yours now: https://www.meguiars.co.uk/shop/meguiar-s-2016-calendar