In case you’ve been banished to a remote island free of social media *shudders* you should already know that the boys are well and truly back in town, and we’re not talking about the 70s rock band either. Yup, Clarkson, Hammond and May have returned to the big screen albeit now known as The Grand Tour and available to stream via Amazon Prime subscriptions. It’s good to have the old gang back together, right?


Aside from driving the world’s best supercars, Clarkson, Hammond and May have also been busy working on a new platform called DriveTribe. It’s a simple concept with a relatively straightforward goal: to revolutionize the way us car fans view and engage with content. No pressure then…


Anyone can start their own Tribe and follow others, be that classic Japanese cars, Hammond’s Fob Jockeys or even F1 champion Damon Hill. The more Tribes you follow, the more content you’ll see from those specific Tribes. It’s as simple as that – but be warned, what starts off as a quick glance will soon have you trawling through the deepest depths of the automotive sector’s most bizarre cultures!


Naturally detailing & car care is one of our key areas of Meguiar’s culture, so to celebrate we’ve launched our very own Tribe known simply as The Detailing Bay. This is the chance for us all to share hints & tips in the world of detailing, or simply to show off our freshly-cleaned rides with like-minded enthusiasts!


We’re hugely excited to see what the future brings with DriveTribe, so make sure you head over and join The Detailing Bay and show us what you’ve been up to!